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Shazam has teamed up with Bandsintown, the leading concert discovery platform, to help showcase your events and connect fans with tickets. With over 300 million monthly active users worldwide, Shazam can help you share your music with even more fans.

Trusted by over 560,000 artists, Bandsintown allows you to manage and promote events across all major platforms. Now we’ve made it seamless to reach even more potential fans by displaying your upcoming dates the moment they Shazam your music.

How it works

01. Sync

Add your Apple Music Page URL to your profile 

02. Manage

Add and/or manage your Bandsintown events

Start building your mailing list and following with your Signup Form

Once logged in to your Bandsintown for Artists account, go to Profile > Links and add the URL of your Apple Music artist page (where can I find this?)

Step 01: Add your Apple Music URL

Step 02: Add / Manage your Events

Go to Events and make sure to add your events so that Shazam can showcase them!

Connect more fans to your events and tickets

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Tap into 85+ million live music fans

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