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The Goal

Capitalizing on their existing popularity, the group aimed to collect more first-party fan data for future marketing campaigns while promoting their 2023 North American tour.

フローレンス + マシン

フローレンス + ザ マシーンは、ドラマチックでエキセントリックなプロダクションと強力なボーカルで知られる、グラミー賞にノミネートされたイギリスのインディー ロック バンドです。このバンドは 2007 年の結成以来、グラストンベリーなどの象徴的なフェスティバルでヘッドライナーを務め、U2 などの伝説的なアーティストとツアーを行ってきました。 


The Play

The group used Bandsintown Posts to promote their tour dates and share a presale code with fans. The post, delivered to fans via email, push notification, and appearing on their Bandsintown page, directed fans to Paramore's website where their customized Widget featured the 2023 dates.

Not only did the Widget give fans the ability to view tour dates and buy tickets, but it also provided them with an opportunity to share their first-party data with the band.

The Results

When Paramore messaged their Bandsintown followers with a presale code, they saw a surge of 2,141 total opt-ins in a single day. This not only helped them promote their tour dates but also enabled them to gather crucial fan data, allowing them to connect with their audience in the future.

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