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The Goal

Harry and his team wanted to grow their fan contacts by taking advantage of the traction to his website around his 2023 tour and making it easy for interested fans to share their emails. 

フローレンス + マシン

フローレンス + ザ マシーンは、ドラマチックでエキセントリックなプロダクションと強力なボーカルで知られる、グラミー賞にノミネートされたイギリスのインディー ロック バンドです。このバンドは 2007 年の結成以来、グラストンベリーなどの象徴的なフェスティバルでヘッドライナーを務め、U2 などの伝説的なアーティストとツアーを行ってきました。 


The Play

Harry’s team added the Events Widget to his merch store along with his 2023 tour dates and enabled the opt-in feature, allowing visitors to join his email list without leaving the page. 


Fans could also request shows in their cities and follow Harry’s Bandsintown page directly from the Widget, providing additional opportunities for first-party data capture.


When Harry posted about the tour on socials and announced it to the press, he directed fans to the website, hoping to capture contact info from a sizable portion of those visitors.

The Results

By making it easy for site visitors to see his tour dates and share their contact info, Harry Styles’ team collected 63.9k new fan contacts and 69.7k new followers to his Bandsintown page in just one week.

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