Make noise about your upcoming shows and let fans relive their favorite live performances with Apple Music Set Lists.
Apple Maps
Make it easy for finds to discover your shows when they browse or search for venues on Apple Maps.
Maximize visibility and sell more tickets by getting your events listed at the top of Google Search results.
Sell more tickets by displaying your event listings and ticket links on your Spotify artist profile, in fans’ personalized Live Events Feed, and in the Now Playing View.
Amazon Music
Sell more merch by putting your Amazon Music Merch collections where your tour dates are on Bandsintown.
Let fans see upcoming event and venue information, buy tickets and more when they Shazam your music, search for you or browse the Concerts page.
Keep your events and tour dates front and center on socials and make it easy for fans to get info, buy tickets, RSVP and more.
Move more merch by making sure fans searching for your concerts on Bandsintown see your Shopify collections directly on your artist page.
Keep your upcoming events and tour dates synced to your website with customizable easy-to-use integration.
Keep your upcoming events and tour dates synced to your website with customizable easy-to-use integration.
Keep your upcoming events and tour dates synced to your website with customizable easy-to-use integration.
Keep your upcoming events and tour dates synced to your website with customizable easy-to-use integration.
Turn your Komi link into a seamless live music hub, where your tour dates and ticket links take center stage.